A practical guide for running a successful 30-hour (15-lesson) short film project in English with (pre-)intermediate students: planning, lessons, evaluation, deliverables, samples and experiences, plus ideas for other projects.

Progress Report (PR)

Purpose. Team members take responsibility for their part of the project by reporting on work done and work planned.

Process. After class discussion has clarified the work to be done the teacher hands out a blank PR to each team.

The teams discuss how to divide the work. On the PR each team member writes down what (s)he has done for the project since the previous lesson, and
what (s)he is going to do before the next lesson. Members write for themselves so that they can be held responsible for finishing their part of the work on time. Time: 10-15 minutes.

Writing reflections or comments is not mandatory but expected in case of specific problems and after e.g. class presentations.

If a student is absent, one of the other team members writes down why (s)he is absent, and the team assigns her/him part of the work for the coming period. 

The (foreign) teacher sits down with each team in the role of project leader. Each member reports on her/his work verbally in English, and answers questions. The teacher uses the previous lesson's PR to check whether the tasks that were planned were completed. If the work is not ready, or problems occurred, the member has to explain the reason and the work is re-scheduled. The teacher also makes sure the work is divided equally.

After the discussion the teacher signs off the report and writes comments if necessary. Time: 5-10 minutes per team.

The progress report is collected in their portfolio.

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